Wednesday, July 27, 2011

शिक्षा के अधिकार के हनन का नंगा नाच - देखिये दिल्ली सरकार के शिक्षा निदेशालय की घिनौनी करतूत - मासूम बच्चों को पढ़ाई से कर महरूम धकेला सडकों पर


दिल्ली के कालकाजी इलाके में एस के कान्वेंट स्कुल के मैनेजिंग कमेटी ने 18 अप्रैल 2011 को अचानक स्कुल के गेट पर ताला जड़ दिया| बच्चों को स्कुल के अन्दर घुसने से रोक दिया गया| 1988 में दिल्ली सरकार के शिक्षा निदेशालय द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त ये स्कुल किसी भी हालत में शिक्षा निदेशालय की रजामंदी के बगैर इस स्कूल को बंद नहीं किया जा सकता है|

देश के भविष्य इन बच्चों के दाखिले का विकल्प तलाशते जब हम पहुंचे दक्षिणी दिल्ली के शिक्षा उपनिदेशक श्रीमती अनीता सेतिया के पास तब हमें पता चला की शिक्षा निदेशालय इस हकीकत से भली भांति परिचित है| बच्चे पिछले चार महीनों से सड़क पर हैं| इस बात की दिल्ली के शिक्षा निदेशालय के अधिकारियों के पेशानी पर रत्ती भर शिकन नहीं दिखी|

हैरत करनेवाली बात यह है कि बच्चों को बिन मागे ही स्कूल प्रबंधन ट्रान्सफर सर्टीफीकेट (TC) बच्चों के घर भेजता रहा वो भी प्रधानाध्यापिका के दस्तखत के बगैर, और हैरानी कि बात ये है कि दक्षिणी दिल्ली के शिक्षा उपनिदेशक के दफ्तर से शिक्षा अधिकारी द्वारा इनपर अपनी मुहर लगाकर उसे सत्यापित भी किया जा रहा है|

Sunday, July 24, 2011



Is it the same old Bharat eve now?
Are the people pedigree of the
same old golden Bharatiya families -
where one would give his life to save the other life?
Are the people in India now heartless?
Has the life today become valueless or penniless?

Have the people of this country
really become so selfish that
they are not pained and ashamed at
such intentional and deliberate painful acts?

I am really really pained to have watched such a news at India TV. I feel that the Government of Andhra Pradesh is certainly answerable to the people of India for such pathetic, painful and cowardly act that has occurred in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Hence, I, DN Srivastava cannot resist myself from seeking certain valuable information from the Government of AP.

I have therefore filed an RTI application addressed to the Special Chief Secretary, Ministry of Health and expect a true and factual information on my application. I also expect the government officials would discharge their sincerely and honestly as this involves life of several other innocent and minor children in the country and we are sincere then only we can provide safety and protection against certain deadly health hazards that ultimately end-up in ending innumerous lives. We, together can work in the direction of providing better services and can also ensure the rights of the common reach them exactly.

I am really grateful that India TV has brought to the notice of every people of this country. I also expect whole-hearted support from them in the future also.

The scanned copy of the application filed under Right to Information Act,2005
is given below for your reference and consideration please:

Monday, July 18, 2011

दिल्ली नगर निगम के अफसरों को करें खुश और हो जाएँ मालामाल

दिल्ली नगर निगम

भ्रष्टाचार का एक बड़ा खुलासा

अफसरों को करें खुश
और हो जाएँ मालामाल

यदि आपकी पहुँच अच्छी है,
यदि आपकी उठ-बैठ बड़े-बड़े लोगों के साथ है

तो निगम के लोग

आपकी तरफ आँख उठाकर भी नहीं देखेंगे

आइये, खुद अपनी नज़रों से ही देख लीजिये

निगम की करतूत

आज आये दिन सुनने और देखने को मिलता है
उस गरीब के बने बनाये माकन को निगम के अफसरों ने बड़ी बेरहमी से तोड़ दिया
जो गरीब दिन भर की गाढ़ी कमाई से एक एक रुपया जोड़ जोड़ कर
अपने मकान की नींव रखा था
आज निगम ने उसे पूरा बनते ही बड़ी बेरहमी से तोड़ दिया

जो अपने ही घर में कोई छोटा मोटा घरेलु उद्योग लगाकर
अपना और अपने बच्छों का लालन पालन कर रहा था
उसके छोटे से मकान को निगम ने सील कर दिया.

ऐसे तो असंख्य उदहारण आपके पास स्वयं भी होंगे

पर आइये आज हम आपको दिखाते हैं कैसे एक ऊंची पहुँच वाला

भवन नियमों के सभी उल्लंघन करके भी

दिल्ली नगर निगम की नज़रों में आता ही नहीं है

ये है

उन में से (मकान न. B-48 , N-25, N-26 साऊथ एक्सटेंशन पार्ट-1, नई दिल्ली - 110049)
एक मकान का दृश्य जहाँ व्यावसायिक गतिविधियाँ
जोरों शोरों से और खुलेआम चलायी जा रही हैअनगिनत कानूनी उलंघन - सरकारी ज़मीन पर अतिक्रमण,
अवैध भवन निर्माण, रिहायशी मकान - फिर भी व्यावसायिक गतिविधियाँ /
व्यावसायिक कारोबार पूरे जोर शोर से जारी

सवाल बड़ा येही है

क्यों आखिर इन भवनों पर कोई कानूनी कार्यवाही नहीं की जा रही?

सूचना के अधिकार (Right to Information Act, 2005)
के तहत मांगी गयी जानकारी में जो
दिल्ली नगर निगम ने सूचित किया, उसे सिर्फ ध्यान से देखिये
आप स्वयं सब कुछ समझ जायेंगे

Please take a look at the following Government documents which may stun you

एम्० सी० डी० द्वारा जारी वह दस्तावेज़ जिसमे एम्० सी० डी० ने खुद माना कि
भवन संख्या B-48 एन० डी० एस० ई० पार्ट वन जो रिहाइश के लिए है उसमे
वर्ष 2001 से ही व्यावसायिक कारोबार चलाया जा रहा है

Look at the above document dated 20.06.2002 signed by
Shri Jagdish Sagar, the then Chairman, Delhi Vidyut Board

Delhi Vidyut Board had already penalized and burdened the property owner
with commercial tariff and penal charges as per rules.

Even Delhi Jal Board levied Commercial tariff on the property

But to hell with all !!!! the Building Department of MCD Central Zone
took no action even on such glaring deviations

In fact, why would they? ... is the only simple question which comes to every ones mind, and I hope each one of us understands this also.

These building owners have a pretty high profile - may be money, may be power, may be both, and hence MCD ignores initiating any action on these buildings.

In the instant case.
With the passage of time the said houses were rented out to different tenents who had been using the said building for commercial use but MCD, Central Zone, Building Department initiated no action on even such glaring deviations and violations of the MCD Building bye-laws

The above document speaks clearly that MCD Building Department
never ever had any intentions to agree to any such misuse of the said property.

Matter of prime importance is, despite the MCD area Inspectors report above which clearly says that the building was rented for office use, the admission of MCD officials themselves at several above documents that the building was being miused since 2001 & before (the report of the Area Inspector of MCD came in 2001), MCD was not initiating any action on the said buildings. Glaringly, this was an intentional and a deliberate act and move
on part of the MCD building department of Central Zone - reasons best known to them

It took several years for MCD, Central Zone, Building Deptt. to admit misuse in the said building. They agree that the said building was being misused - used for Paying Guest Accommodation. May have been advised by MCD to change the trade.

(Kindly look at the document below)

The building was being used as a paying guest accommodation even today

but surprisingly,
still MCD did not want to take any action

[look at the documents below]

MCD, Central Zone, Building Department agrees that
for running the Paying Guest Accommodation in the said building
and that, even then No action / prosecution was done
by the Building Department on the said property

[look at the documents below]
Use of Paying Guest Accommodation was
not mentioned in the Master Plan MPD 2021

Stull no action

[look at the documents below]
A formal complaint was lodged with the Building department
and also with the Dy. Commisioner, Central Zone, MCD asking them to explain reasons into why action was not being initiated in this case

[kindly see the reply of MCD, Building Department, Central Zone filed abovewhich says,
No action has been taken on your complaint dated 1.11.2008]

When everything failed
an RTI was filed to know whether any action was initiated at all on the property for the said violations of building bye-laws and despite Notice issued to the property in question through the Local Commissioner apointed by Hon'ble Delhi High Court.

[look at the document below]

Building Department, Central Zone, MCD issued notice to the said property owner on the directions of the Hon'ble Delhi High Court who appointed a local commissioner for carrying out a survey to assess the deviations and violations of building bye-laws
in a PIL matter (Writ Petition No.4369/2001). The survey report says:
1. there were infringement in set-backs
2. the portion of the building is being used for commercial purpose

still no action .......

Thanks to MCD, Central Zone, Building Department

Finally it agrees that the

Building No.B-48 NDSE-1 was booked for action

[look at the document below]
The said building was booked on 12.06.2002
for Action U/s 344 (1) and 343 on account of unauthorized construction,
but still no action on misuse
No fine imposed
No sealing orders
No Demolition actions
till date

[Look at the document above]
It says "Despite several attempts, demolition action could not be taken
due to non-availability of Police Force on all occasions."

Friends, Does it not smell fishy ???

When asked, How many times did MCD apply for Police Force

Look at the reply MCD below:

When asked, How many times was the Police Force refused?

See what MCD, Building Department, Central Zone has to say in their pleadings

[Look at the document below]

Look at the silly reply of MCD

Out of 72 requests for Police Force for the same area

only two requests were refused

meaning thereby, 70 times Police Force were made available

for demolition and sealing actions

But Still No action

Remember other properties, in huge numbers were sealed
and demolished in same area and in Delhi that belonged to common man

The matter was given to Chief Vigilance Commissioner for conducting a vigilance enquiry which you would be surprised to note that it has been kicked like a foot-ball and for the last several years is being kicked from one department to the other -
Net result - Zero
[Look at the letter sent by the Central Vigilance Commission to Vigilance deptt. MCD]

It says "No action taken report is required by CVC"
take action or not is your wish.
letter of enquiry sent indirectly to the wrong-doer
to investigate his own deeds

Ha! Ha!! Ha!!! Ha!!! Ha!!!

[Look at the document below]
A letter for taking action sent from MCD Vigilance deptt.
to Dy. Commissioner, MCD, Central Zone

This also may surprise U
  1. Complaint regarding Property No. B-48 NDSE-1, New Delhi-110049 was sent from Central Vigilance Commission to MCD Vigilance department for action vide their diary No. 349/2010-77861 dated 08.03.2010
  2. Vigilance department further forwarded the same complaint to the Dy. Commissioner, MCD, Central Zone, on 03.05.2010 vide their diary No. AD-II/Vig/SK/2010/2681 [after a delay of 2 months]
[Look at the document below]

Being kicked like a football from one deptt. to the other
although MCD admits that the letters have been received by them regularly but
Still No action
Why? is the only Big question which remains unanswered yet.

दोस्तों, मैं यहाँ पर बहुत साफ़ कर देना चाहता हूँ कि दोषी मकान वाले नहीं हैं| मेरी नज़रों में दोषी दिल्ली नगर निगम के वह अफसर और कर्मचारी हैं जिन्हों ने किसी न किसी बहाने पिछले लगभग पच्चीस सालों से हर तरह कि कार्यवाही ताल राखी है| इस कारण अब मेरा मकसद सिर्फ और सिर्फ उन दोषी अफसरों को ढून्ढ निकालना है जिन्होंने
बगैर किसी निजी स्वार्थ के तो ऐसा नहीं किया होगा|

आखिर दिल्ली नगर निगम में अफसर और कर्मचारी बैठे क्यों हैं? क्या इनका काम सिर्फ और सिर्फ अपने निजी स्वार्थ के पीछे कोई भी गैर कानूनी काम करते रहना है?

येही वह सवाल हैं जो अब तक सवाल ही बने रह गए हैं|

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

DN Srivastava fights for Justice & Rights of Girl child. More than 100 Ladli froms misplaced. Seeks intervention of higher authority ....

When it came to the knowledge of astitva foundation that the scheme launched by the Women & Child Department of Delhi Government is merely an eye-wash, DN Srivastava gave a kick start to the battle for justice and rights of the female children. Filed several applications under Right to Information Act 2005, when the truth came out with great difficulty. Here is a report submitted by Tanvi Nalin, a News Reporter of a renound magazine. I shall appreciate if you kindly send in your precious comments please.

Delhi govt fails to respond on RTI order on issue even after six weeks